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Dog harness and their good influence on dogs health
Dodane: 2015-09-18 Kategoria: Produkcja / Weterynaryjne, Hodowla Zwierząt

Every dog needs a dog collar, but some dogs are too energetic and collars can harm their throats, if they pull on too much. Puppies and some older dogs need dog harness. This is a very safe solution for dogs walking on a leash. A good dog harness counterbalances the strength with which a dog pulls the leash. Besides, there are some animals, who can"t walk with any kind of material wrapped around their neck, because they have problems with breathing, so they need the harness, too. It is also a comfortable thing for an owner, because using harness instead of collar makes it easier to hold a leash, even if the dog is strong and behave naughty while walking. As there are many dog harnesses to choose, everyone can find the one tailored to the leash and owner"s preferences.

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