oslo hudpleieklinikk - Skincare Clinic and facials in Oslo We have a wide range of skin care and you can choose something for yourself. Our proffesionalists take care of You and your skin and and make you feel younger and more beautiful.
Treatments that you can choose
In our clinic will be possible to do FORLLE’D - Luxury Skincare from Japan - These unique facial treatments have a very good lifting effect and a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Can be and perceived as effective as mezotherapy without injections! One can choose five different treatments: non-invasive biofillers, anti-stress program, treatment with deep cleansing and detoxification of the skin with impurities, treatment of pigment spots and rosacea treatment. Another pleasure which you can use is Diamant Sliping - This facial provides deep, painless peeling off dead skin cells for the purpose of a clearer, younger looking skin. Improves skin quality, reduce enlarged pores and removes impurities. Apparently smoothes and brightens skin tone. If you to remove excess oil from the pores, you can undergo treatment named: Kavitasjon peeling, which coomprises the use ultrasonic vibration. To take care of your facial skin you should choose Oxy Beauty, which is a facial massage peeling Oxygen spray. Express treatment that refreshes and moisturizes the skin. Makia"s skin care clinic is located in central Oslo, at Majorstua metro station. Take care of yourself and use treatments from oslo hudpleieklinikk.
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